Can Black Mold Be Removed from Ductwork? - A Professional Guide

Mold can be a serious problem in any home or office, and black mold is no exception. If you suspect that your air ducts may be harboring black mold, it's important to take action quickly. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to remove black mold from your ductwork and keep it from coming back. BIOSPRAY-TOWER's ready-to-use disinfectant and mold cleaner is an effective way to kill and eliminate mold, mildew, and odor-causing bacteria.

If you live in Houston, Texas, you can also contact the experts at Air Quality Express for air duct cleaning or mold removal services. The first sign of black mold in your air ducts is usually a musty smell. People or pets in the house may also experience symptoms such as headaches, nausea, nose and throat irritation, and itchy eyes when the air conditioner is turned on. If you experience these symptoms out of season or more severely than usual, it could be an indication of mold in the air ducts.

In most cases, cleaning the air ducts should not require replacing them unless they are damaged or inaccessible. Professional cleaners are trained to use the most powerful cleaning vacuums and motorized brushes to remove black mold from your home. This will help ensure that there are fewer places where mold spores can remain. Before investing time and money cleaning mold from ducts, it's smart to test for mold on ventilation grilles to determine if it is actually present.

If you choose this option, drench moldy areas in the ducts and around the ventilation openings with a cleaning agent. Air duct cleaning by a certified professional service provider can save you a lot of physical and financial headaches both now and in the future.